The Cabin in the Woods (2012)


General Information:

The information below is taken from the following link:


Drew Goddard


Joss Whedon; Drew Goddard


Kristen Connolly; Chris Hemsworth; Anna Hutchison


Five teenagers go to a cabin in the woods which is littered with CCTV camera for the sake of a reality TV programme. As the day progresses, flesh-loving zombies begin to slaughter them one by one…


The Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods is an attack on Hollywood. It’s a hammer smashing into the endless clichés of horror films until they fracture and turn into smithereens and dust. It’s a cup of acid being thrown onto conventional fright-films until they sizzle and burn so much that we see behind their good-looking stars, six-packs, tits and gore to reveal their pathetic, formulaic, predictable narrative.

If anything, it’s bloody refreshing.

The movie is seeping with irony from the start, even the opening titles are ironic. The title suddenly slams on screen in bold red letters, covering the width and length of the screen; the names of the characters have blood dripping on them. Everything.

The first shot of Jules (Anna Hutchinson), the sexy blonde, is of her bum. Then we have the hunky jock, Curt (Chris Hemsworth) – oh, and what’s that he’s carrying in his hands? It’s a rugby ball! All of this could be considered general cliché and lazy writing if it wasn’t for the cheesy rock/pop music strumming in the background, which has the tone of a teenager laughing and mocking something it loves in a ‘so bad it’s good way’. To further add to the irony is the fact that the intentionally-cliche-slut, Jules, has recently dyed her hair blonde (as if in some postmodern ironic way, she’s just done it because she’s in a horror movie…which, she is. Gasp.). Oh, and not to forget the fact that Curt has turned into a “dumb jock” when before he was a sociology student. Any other stock-characters. Well, we have the funny weed-smoker (who has a bong which can also be used as a coffee container), a virgin (ish), and the geek.

The stock-characters in Cabin in the Woods

The stock-characters in Cabin in the Woods

Of course, all of this could just be considered a bad copy-cat version of Scream if it wasn’t for the fact that the actual cabin in the woods is littered with CCTV cameras for a reality TV programme. Instantly the self-awareness of the film is amped up to a new level, as we become even more aware that this is some farcical spoof. Of course, the reality TV programme is merely a vehicle to push forward the jokes and the comedy, but it all works. There’s an excellent couple of scenes where the people working for the TV programme all bet on what the unfortunate victims will be slaughtered to death by, they take their bets on whether the stock-characters will be killed by: werewolves, ghosts, vampires, snakes, zombies, and all other forms of horror-film monsters. Oh, and of course, there’s a brilliant gag, where two of the workers there watch Curt and Jules about to have sex (bearing in mind before hand they had to up the temperature levels, the light levels and the pheromone levels, just to get the two 20-somethings to even thinking about a good pounding session). This film has a good sense of comic timing as well, not to mention a brilliantly sharp if not slightly rough-around-the-edges script.

If I were to say a sentence about why this film is such an excellent spoof, I’d have to say this: it understands the horror genre. Perhaps a must-know for a genre-spoof, but after consuming endless badly-written spoofs, it just comes across that they think if we merge the slasher genre with Kevin-Smith-esque nob-gags, it somehow makes a good satire, let alone a good parody. As I’ve already said, Cabin in the Woods knows the genre it’s mocking. It knows what stock-characters are like. It knows horror conventions. it knows the narrative for a conventional horror film. It knows how horror-characters should die. It knows which characters should live or die. It knows which characters should die first. It knows which characters should die last. It even knows that if you pick up a dirty old book and read Latin in it, the dead will no longer sleep, and that if a creepy old man insults you/scares you on the way to your destination, you will die.

There’s always that point in a review where the reviewer directly or indirectly says: I can’t reveal any more because I don’t want to give the ending away. Usually, I don’t particularly care as I look at the film as a whole, but it’s the ending of this film that makes it conceptually spectacular (not to mention visually spectacular). The ending kicks this film up from 3 stars to a 4, it makes the film more satirical, more intelligent, more thrilling, more entertaining. If anything more memorable.

The tagline of the movie is “You think you know the story. Think again.” Never has a tagline been so true.


It knows that if Hollywood made an unconventional horror film, the world might just end in a terrifying apocalypse. It’s a film that left me slightly gob-smacked which takes a lot as I have been called a ‘film snob’ on multiple occassions.

That awkward moment when you see your girlfriend make out with a stuffed wolf for a dare...

That awkward moment when you see your girlfriend make out with a stuffed wolf for a dare...

The Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2009)


General Information:

Information below is taken from the following link:

18  92 min  –  Drama | Horror | Thriller  –   20 August 2010 (Ireland)


Tom Six


Tom Six


Dieter Laser; Ashley C. Williams ; Ashlynn Yennie


Mad scientist, Dr Heiter (Dieter Laser) captures two girls on a tour across Europe to form his life-long fantasy: conjoining three people together, mouth to anus, to form “The Human Centipede”.


Before I start, I’d like to just say the history of how this movie came about. Tom Six jokingly said to a mate that paedophiles should be punished by having their mouths sowed to truck drivers’ anuses. That’s it. And if there’s more, I honestly don’t care, and don’t want to know.

Oscar Wilde once said that “bad art is the result of good intentions”. Perhaps this film was made with good intentions, but then again, could you call this film a work of art?

This movie is a lot of things. Being a “good movie” is unfortunately for our, dear director, Tom Six, not one of them. It’s a sick movie. But then again, aren’t all horror movies sick? There’s a theory called ‘pleasure for displeasure’. It explains why we watch horror films. We watch them because we like being frightened. We watch them because we like that thrill of adrenaline. We watch them because we like being left shaking by the end. We like being displeasured. Yet, The Human Centipede isn’t ‘pleasure for displeasure’. It’s ‘displeasure for displeasure’. If I had to personify this movie, it would be that weird eight-year old kid who always picks his nose in class and in the playground runs around chasing girls with dog-crap dripping off the end of a stick that he found on the ground.

A friend once told me that "the poster was  the only good thing about this movie"...he was right

A friend once told me that "the poster was the only good thing about this movie"...he was right

A good horror movie knows how to hit us, knows what fears to strike. A good horror movie prods and attacks are basic fears with visceral intensity. The fear of being alone. The fear of being followed. The fear of death. The fear of losing a loved one. The fear of the supernatural. Even the worst slasher movie attempts to scare us with these, The Human Centipede does not. Yes, people are followed, and people die – but the movie itself doesn’t attempt to scare us via these mere plot devices (and believe me, that’s all they actually are). It attempts to scare us with its concept: close-ups on the faces of the girls attached to each other’s close encounters of the pelvic kind, mucus oozing from one of the girls’ cheeks due to an infection, teeth being taken off, kneecaps cut open, the anus cut open, the section where the mad Dr Heiter demands that the ‘human centipede’ picks up a newspaper like a dog and gives it to him, the section where Katsuro – who’s at the front – has to ‘go to the toilet’, thereby force feeding the person in the middle with well…you know what I’m talking about.

Dr. Heiter has fun with his 'pet' by treating it like a dog...

Dr. Heiter has fun with his 'pet' by treating it like a dog...

The movie attempts to scare us with its concept rather than scaring us by attacking our fears. At the beginning of this review I compared this film to an eight-year old chasing girls with dog-crap on a stick. Shoving vile stuff in the viewer’s faces isn’t scary, it’s not. At first, it’s disgusting, and then…it’s boring.

Of course, there will be some horror-fans who like this movie, and find its concept interesting, different, and original compared to most horror films. Perhaps there’s a subtext to this film. Is Dr. Heiter a symbol of Josef Mengele, the infamous Nazi? Either way, I frankly don’t care.

There are other things which made me loathe this movie. Let’s look at the set-up for example. Two girls are in a car, they’re trying to get to a party which they’ve been invited to be some “cute German waiter”. But, oh dear! The tyre’s flattened! Seconds later, a car drives towards them until they’re side by side, revealing a perverted German man who mistakes them for being porn-stars. He offers to have sex with them, they scream and go ‘ewww’ and tell him to go away, which thankfully he does. From the start, the movie’s shoving weird sexual fetishes in our faces. But things get worse. Sooner or later the girls give up and walk out of the car and into the woods. One of them breaks down crying, and there’s the usual “hello!…help us” dialogue. Fortunately (or rather, unfortunately) one of them sees a light to a house. They knock on the door, and what man should luckily be behind their but the good old trusty Dr Heiter! Hooray! Effectively, all of that was a plot-device to lead to Tom Six’s weird threesome-like-you’ve-never-seen-it-before-extravaganza. All of that was there simply so he could show the world his concept.

Oh well, the cinematography was kinda nice.

Unfortunately I couldn't find any examples of nice cinematography on the internet for this film as most of them involve shots of the centipede itself (God knows why?...). Either way, observe how our director Tom Six has used a low-angle shot and 'hot windows' to accentuate the evil presence of the villain...

Unfortunately I couldn't find any examples of nice cinematography on the internet for this film as most of them involve shots of the centipede itself (God knows why?...). Either way, observe how our director Tom Six has used a low-angle shot and 'hot windows' to accentuate the evil presence of the villain...


A movie that didn’t frighten, disturb or shock me. But rather made me want to either fall asleep or turn off the television. Go watch a David Cronenberg movie instead.

50 Ways to Survive a Horror Movie

1) Always be nice to the shy, unpopular girl at school

She’ll probably take revenge on all of her bullies until they face a lovely gory death. She may have supernatural powers. She may be tired of being bullied and starts taking revenge on her bullies with the aid of her trusty butchers knife.

2) If you’re gonna get killed…

If you’re gonna get killed and you know that there’s no way out, ensure that you’re in a low-budget, cheapo gore-fest, because that way you’ll come back in the sequel!

3) Zombie target

When battling zombies in a zombie apocalypse, ensure that you always hit the zombie in the head/brain area. That way, you know that the undead are…dead.

4) Be utterly boring

No drugs. No sex. No alcohol. No parties. Whatever you do, DON’T be the popular kid at school.

5) Don’t have a six-pack

You’re the really fit jock at school which everyone drools all over because of how incredibly hench he is. Look at those pecs! Those biceps! That six-pack…oh, look, he’s been stabbed repeatedly to death by a serial killer and his body has now been completely dismembered.

Ensure that you’re the skinny weakling with glasses.

Don't be this hot guy, no matter how much you want to be him.

Don't be this hot guy, no matter how much you want to be him.

6) Don’t have blonde hair and big tits

Similar to the one above. You’re probably going out with him. The borderline perverted psycho will kill you. Kill you.

It also helps if you’re not a cheerleader.

Whatever you do, don't be a hot, blonde, big-chested cheerleader

Whatever you do, don't be a hot, blonde, big-chested cheerleader

7) Never watch a horror movie in a horror movie

Basic error. If you do this, you will die.

8) Never run to the top floor

Your only way out will be to jump out of the building, and you’ll have two options of death:

1 – Suicide

2 – Get stabbed by the serial killer/ripped apart by zombies/or just generally murdered in any perverted, disgusting, inhuman way

9) Always check the back seat of the car

There’ll probably be something lurking in the back which will lead to your fate.

Watch the original (John Carpenter) Halloween for further details.

10) Check your car

Even before entering the spooky town or whatever place your friends and potentially you could be murdered in, it is advisable to check that your car batteries and engine are working and are in top quality condition. After all, it would be at some inconvenience when trying to escape the spooky town and your car won’t start.

11) Observe lights

If they flash on and off, you’re fucked.

12) Don’t go near wardrobes

Two things will either happen.

1 – Murderous thing that will murder you (zombie, killer…etc…) will come out of it and make you experience a fat worse than a fate worse than death.

2 – Nothings in the wardrobe! Phew!….what’s this? there’s a stab wound in my chest…oh no!

Avoid at all cost. It is not a gateway to Narnia.

Avoid at all cost. It is not a gateway to Narnia.

13) The unlucky number

Don’t go out – let alone go to a summer camp – on Friday 13th.

14) Avoid deserted towns

It’s deserted for a reason…

15) Never go into an old motel

Norman Bates will murder you when you shower!

It's no Premier Inn...

It's no Premier Inn...

16) Don’t have a penis

The last survivor of most horror movies is almost always a woman. Just watch the classics: Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dawn of the Dead…etc…

Your penis is your enemy.

Be a girl instead...

Be a girl instead...

17) Stay away from paintball guns

It’s a crap weapon and most likely will get you killed.

18) Some nights are best left…

Don’t go out on Friday 13th, Halloween or prom night. In fact, don’t even stay in your house. Go to a hotel…actually, don’t go to a hotel (number 15 advises otherwise)…just…oh I don’t know…

19) Listen to the insane old woman

If she tells you that trouble is coming and evil is around, she’s correct and don’t you dare ignore her!

20) Never pick up a hitchhiker

He/she will either:

a) Murder you

b) Be murdered with you

21) When driving…

When driving don’t take the back roads/short cuts/roads in the country…go on the busy roads instead. The motorway is most advisable (unless if you’re in a Final Destination film and you see a huge vehicle carrying trees…obviously).

22) Rollercoasters…

Steer clear from these. And all fair grounds, theme parks and anything deemed as being ‘fun’. Also, clowns will kill you, stay away from them.

23) Baby zombies

Aren’t they adorable? Nawww…look at them, with their tiny hands and feet and….cuttteee!

NO! Murder them. Treat them like any other zombie.

Kill the murderous rascal at all cost

Kill the murderous rascal at all cost

24) Steer clear from bars, pubs

Any area where alcohol can be consumed you must steer clear from. You don’t want to be drunk. Plus, if there are zombies outside, pubs are most definitely a no-go-zone.

25) His best friend was his mother…

Avoid anyone who was a loner and who looks after his mother who is aged around 25-50.

26) Top secret…

If by some curious chance, a top secret, obscure military tanker filled with plutonium or any dangerous chemical is left on your doorstep. Return it.


27) If you become a zombie…

Just eat all the human flesh you can, and learn to love it. Especially intestines and brains – I hear they’re kinda tasty.

28) Email me

If you see Brad Pitt dressed as a vampire, please email me asap.

29) Seems obvious

Having a vampire as a dinner guest is never a good idea. Seems obvious, but no matter how charming he is, don’t let him in.

30) If the power goes off

If the power goes off, don’t try to fix it by going to the generator or control box. You may get back-stabbed, quite literally.

31) Avoid friends

If your friends leave you for more than 10 minutes, don’t try to look for them, for you will end up like them…

32) A bad boyfriend…

A guy that locks himself in a cage at night isn’t a good boyfriend. Yeah he may be kinda cute and have nice pecs n abs, not to mention the fact that he’s incredibly romantic, but for godsake, ditch him! He’s a werewolf!

33) Full moon

Don’t go out on a full moon…

34) Edward vs Jacob

Don’t get involved in century old grudges between vampires and werewolves. Just don’t.

Let alone form a stupid love-triangle in a Twilight film.

35) Don’t check if he/she’s dead

After killing monster/zombie/serial killer don’t check if they’re dead, because…they’re probably not.

36) Kill ’em properly!

To ensure that you don’t have to carry out nom.35, kill your monster/zombie/killer properly. Shoot them in the face a few times, rip of their arm, bash them repeatedly around the face with a sledge-hammer. Be inventive. Just ensure that you’ve killed them…just don’t actually check if they’re dead though.


Perhaps the most important rule to obey when in a horror film, ever. Bathrooms = danger. Most classic horror film sequences occur in  bathrooms. The most famous being Psycho and The Shining.

38) Don’t hide in wardrobe

Just don’t.

39) Avoid the following places:

Attics, basements, cemeteries, barns, garages. You will be eaten and/or stabbed.

40) Screaming  blonde girls

If by chance you are stuck with the stock character of the terrified sexy blonde girl. If she screams, kill her immediately, she is a distraction and could get you killed. And when you’ve killed her, don’t feel guilty, she would have died anyway.

See nom.6 for further details.

41) Hearing strange sounds?

If you hear a strange/weird sound. It’s not just wind or “the cat”.

42) Also avoid:

– Swimming pools

– Beaches

Anywhere with water basically. To further add to that, don’t go skinny dipping, and don’t take any of your clothes off to show your girlfriend how incredibly hench you are…because you’ll then be showing her how incredibly dead you are.

43) Don’t split up

If you’re in a group, don’t split up into groups, you’re just making it easier for all of you to die.

44) Avoid latin texts…

Books in ancient latin texts, or scrolls in ancient text should never be read aloud. Not even for a joke.

45) Other forms of literature to avoid

If you find a book bound with human flesh, and has words written in blood, drop it immediately and whatever you do, don’t read it.

46) Warning signs

If lights switch on and off, microwaves, fridges, blenders, coffee machines, or any electrical appliance switch on and off or are becoming temperamental, it’s happening for a reason. Escape the town you’re in immediately, or die.

47) Dogs

If your dog starts to bark angrily at a friend/family member, avoid that person.

48) People with robes, hoods, or dressed all in black aren’t trying to look hip or fashionable

Avoid them.

49) Steer clear of child’s toys

Especially dolls and musical boxes.

50) Head-twisting and projectile-vomitting

If your friend/family member is doing the above, for godsake…RUN!

Top 20 Movie Posters…

A movie poster should make a bold statement about what the movie’s about, but to go further: should instantly grab you. Here I have included posters that are either: weird, beautiful, eye-catching, ‘in-yer-face’, iconic, or just sell the movie for what it is.

In no particular order…

1) Attack of the 50ft Woman (1958)

Attack if the 50ft Woman

Attack if the 50ft Woman

50s B-Movies are often very interesting to look at, they often sell the pitch of their movies with something very eye-catching. This one particularly stands out to me.

2) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

It’s damned beautiful to look at, and it’s completely different and original compared to most movie posters. Plus, the tag-line some up the movie perfectly: “the ultimate trip”.

3) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Grabs you like a leather glove or a serial killer who’s about to chop off your leg and eat you…in other words: it’s damned iconic and you can’t ignore it.

4) The Godfather (1972)

The Godfather (1972)

The Godfather (1972)

The epitomy of the ‘iconic movie poster’. You may not have seen the 1970 classic, but you’ve definitely seen the poster. (I hope).

5) Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Essentially a parody of the poster for The Titanic, therefore meaning that the poster itself gives off the message that it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter if you’re different.

Oh, and for just if you don’t know (God knows how not), Titanic‘s being re-released in 3D…yay for James Cameron.

6) The Human Centipede (2009)

The Human Centipede (2009)

The Human Centipede (2009)

The movie may be vomit-inducingly disgusting, but you can’t deny how errr…’eye-catching’ the poster is.

7) The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

The Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs

As chillingly creepy as the film itself: the lack of humanity in the face, the red eyes, and (if you look closely) the skull on the moth’s face.

Simple + subtle = effective + iconic

8) Straw Dogs (1971)

Straw Dogs (1971)

Straw Dogs (1971)

The broken glasses almost mirrors the disturbingly brutal nature of the film. So much so, that does this poster transcend itself and become not just a poster, but a work of art?

9) Star Wars (1977)

Star Wars (1977)

Star Wars (1977)

Is it the most beautiful movie poster ever made?…

10) King Kong (1933)

King Kong (1933)

King Kong (1933)

Utterly iconic. It captures a moment from the movie in a striking detail.

11) Metropolis (1927)

Metropolis (1927)

Metropolis (1927)

Is it the most visually impressive poster ever? Does it count as a work of art rather than advertisement? Either way, it’s damned expensive. An original was sold for $690’000…rumour has it, that the buyer was Leonardo DiCaprio…

12) Blame (2011)

Blame (2011)

Blame (2011)

If anything…it’s eye-catching.

13) A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011)

A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011)

A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011)

Instantly sells the raunchy concept of the movie with some casual light-hearted tongue-in-cheek humour. Plus, the tag-lines brilliant: “A comedy about old friends in new positions.”

14) The Dark Knight (2008)

The Dark Knight (2008)

The Dark Knight (2008)

I don’t think I need to explain why this is a good movie poster.

15) Dr Strangelove: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

A personal favourite poster (and movie)…captures the tone of the piece entirely, it’s about war (planes flying overhead), and it’s an acidically mocking satire (the cartoonish feel of the piece). Brilliant movie. Brilliant poster.

16) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arc (1981)

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arc (1981)

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arc (1981)

We don’t even need to look at the title, and we already know that it’s Indiana Jones! The posters iconic, as is the font for the words “Indiana Jones”.

17) Pulp Fiction (1994)

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Pulp Fiction (1994)

The poster’s become so iconic and recognisable that it’s been used to mock Sarah Palin and John McCain…

18) Dracula vs. Frankenstein (1971)

Dracula vs Frankenstein (1971)

Dracula vs. Frankenstein (1971)

How very 70s…

19) The Happening (2008)

The Happening (2008)

The Happening (2008)

Simply stunning…

20) Perfume (2006)

Perfume (2006)

Perfume (2006)

Certainly impactful and pleasing to the eye, the poster for this film could be considered a work of art. Weird though…


T is for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Arguably the most terrifying film ever made. Oozing with a delightfully disturbing atmosphere throughout, it has head-chopping, meet-hooks, cannibals, and an unforgettable ‘dinner scene’. This is a film which will shake your subconscious fears so much that you’ll probably be shaking and sweating by the end. Sod Saw, this is the one to watch.

U is for Un Chien Andalou

Surrealist classic. If you thought Inland Empire or Donnie Darko made no sense, be warned. This film is as plotless as they come: a woman’s eye is slit, another random woman falls off of a bicycle, a woman is sexually harassed by a man whose hands have ants on them, a hand is pushed with a stick…each random event follows the next in an unforgettable dreamlike nightmare…

V is for Vertigo

Said to be Alfred Hitchcock’s best film, though not my favourite film, you cannot ignore its influence in cinema. It explores timeless themes such as: freedom, power, love and desire.

is for When Harry Met Sally

A romantic comedy which is actually romantic and comic! (Success!) It oozes and drips in cliché and convention, yet it oddly works (unlike most rom-coms). It’s slick in its direction and basically explodes in innuendos (fake orgasm in a restaurant).When Harry Met Sally essentially proves to us that a good script, a good director and good acting all mount up to a bloody brilliant film. Not to miss.